Haslers Accountants "named" in $1,000,000,000 Organised Crime - FBI Carroll Trust Case
The Carroll Foundation Charitable Trust one billion dollars “cross-border” international crime case is bringing in high level law enforcement officers from the FBI Washington DC field office and Scotland Yard Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA).
The Carroll Global Corporation operations have been the victim of fraudulent accounting embezzlement and criminal seizure operations by the FBI Scotland Yard Carroll Trust “named” international criminal syndicate including Anthony Clarke former CEO of Carroll Global Corp. Goodman Derrick Haslers Accountants which incorporate Saunter Chappell of Loughton Essex “in concert” with the HM Queen’s Bankers RBS Coutts Bank and HSBC high level banking officals.
FBI Carroll Trust dossiers contain compelling criminal evidence material including fraudulent “dummy” Carroll Trust Corporations forged and falsified share certificates. Dummy RBS Coutts Carroll Bank Accounts “directly linked” to HSBC Carroll Corporations also the subject of fraudulent accounting and “multiple” Carroll Trust criminal seizure operations by HSBC and the named crime syndicate on a world wide basis.
In Westminster London within the heart of the British Governmental apparatus the Carroll Family Trust’s Eaton Square Belgravia and Westminster residences with a value of over $10m have been the subject of break-ins burgularies and ongoing criminal seizure operations by the “named” international crime syndicate now tageted by the cross-border law enforcement agencies charged with this massive global organised crime case.
Mark Field MP for the City of London and Westminster in the heart of the United Kingdom’s Governmental apparatus is “named” as one of the primary witnesses as the Member of Parliament representing Gerald Carroll as a constituency member within the Belgravia and Westminster wards.
There is a complete - LOCKDOWN - of the Carroll Trust one billion dollars ($ criminal case at the FBI Washington DC field office the HM Attorney General’s Office Baroness Scotland QC “in concert” with the Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson QPM of the Metropolitan Police Scotland Yard within a “cross-border” international crime case.