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Friday, December 18, 2009

School and College Applications

College Application

We review academic and non-academic records, advise on additional credential acquisitions, guide student through all steps of selecting Colleges, tutor school subjects and SAT/ACT, assist student in personal statements / essays / short answers, help student in packaging college applications, and provide students with ad hoc consulting on all educational matters to well prepare them for college.

Our students have been accepted to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, U.Penn, Columbia, Chicago, Cornell, Duke, NYU, Vassar, Berkeley, and UCLA. All our ESL (English as Second Language) students got into UC or State colleges.

SAT, ACT, SSAT / ISEE Tutoring

We tutor in ISEE/SSAT for students applying for selective private school, and SAT, SAT Suject Tests, ACT for students appling colleges.

Selected Private School Application

Champs crafts a completely personalized program for each individual student, capitalizing on and articulating each applicant's best attributes in a way that seems to make top-tier private school take notice.

We review academic and non-academic records, advise on school choices, tutor school subjects and ISEE/SSAT, assist student in essays / short answers, coach in interviews, help student in packaging applications, and prepare students for the new learning environment.

Champs is responsible for years of admissions to top-tier private schools from The Bishop's in San Diego, Upper Canada College in Toronto, to Phillip Andover in Massachusetts.

Visa Student

In addition to keeping up with school work, visa students are often confronted with language barriers and cultural adjustment.

Champs' individualized program takes an integrated approach to pave the way for their success.

Other Relevant Websites

Ivy League and Selected Colleges Admissions Statistics
College Application Consulting

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