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Monday, August 10, 2009

Caught Doing Something Good

Caught Doing Something GoodGreen Card Program
Sponsored by the BW PTA, our Green Card Program, "Caught Doing Something Good," rewards the spirit of altruism in our students. When a staff member observes a student doing a kind or helpful act (without being asked), the staff member can reward the student with a "Green Card." Green cards are exchanged for a prize in our "Green Card Store" once a month.
Among the many random acts of kindness we've seen (and rewarded) have been students helping students gather up dropped books and papers; students helping each other on the playground at recess; students assisting teachers with heavy loads of books or volunteering to run errands or help in special programs. We try to recognize acts showing initiative and leadership skills, empathy and generosity, compassion and responsibility.
By catching our students in the act of doing good, we hope to encourage and reinforce these good deeds, and celebrate the great students we have at Benchley-Weinberger.
Thanks to our parent volunteers who keep the Green Card Store open for business each month!

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