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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Plan Your Business Trip to Thailand

Runckel & Associates Service: Visit Facilitation
  • On the Ground Support
  • Site Selection, Logistics, Licenses for Building and operating Factories in Thailand
  • Sourcing Products, Meet the companies
  • Assisting Executive MBA Programs and Business Groups
Runckel & Associates has experienced English-speaking associates on the ground in Thailand to prepare and support your visits: Most of these associates have been working with us for 6-8 years during which they have performed a wide variety of projects with us. This gives you and your company experience, knowledge, a trusted partner and an advantage helping you in all aspects of your new endeavor in Asia. Site selection and logistics during the visits: We regularly work with the major industrial parks, national business promotion agencies and local specialists on site selection, licenses and permits. We therefore can arrange meetings and visits that can help simplify your data collection and help ensure that you are receiving the most accurate information and are not missing key facts or failing to consider important information that can make your project more profitable and more predictable in terms of its success. Sourcing products and visiting factories during the visits: We are specialists in assisting companies seeking to produce products or to source products in all parts of Thailand. Our specialists in Thailand can help you find the best company to produce and source your product and visit them. Assisting Universitiy's EMBA programs and business group for trips to Thailand: Our study tour is designed for business schools, EMBA students and business executives with a view to provide understanding of Thailand’s business culture, business organization and management in an Asian context. Our team of international business, diplomatic and cultural specialists has a long and rich background in Thailand. We arrange for lectures, company visits and tours throughout the trip to help executives better understand the challenges and the opportunities that Asia offers.

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