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Monday, July 13, 2009


n order to obtain entry clearance, you will need to visit your British Embassy and show the following:
  • that the course is at least 15 hours per week of full-time day study at one institution
  • that you can meet the cost of your fees, your maintenance and the maintenance of any dependants you take with you
  • that you intend to leave the UK at the end of your course.

To comply fully with UK Immigrations we recommend that you adhere to the following:

  • Ensure that you have a valid passport
  • Obtain entry clearance before you travel. Your Student Visa can be obtained at your British Embassy or High Commission or online at
  • If you are a European Union (EU) National, then you do not need to apply for leave to remain in the UK .
  • If you are non European Union (non-EU) National, you must not seek entry as a visitor if you intend to study.

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