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Monday, July 13, 2009

Tuition Fees and Payment Procedure 2009-2010

Education institutions in the UK must have applied for, and been awarded, a ‘Sponsor Licence’ from UK Border Agency in order to recruit international students from March 2009. In order to issue your “Certificate of Acceptance” of studies, it is essential that you or your sponsor has submitted evidence to the college of the money available to you during your studies. For one year of studies, you must show £600 per month to cover your living costs (outside of London), plus your tuition fees. Education institutions who fail to see the funds available to the ‘Student’ and issues ‘Certificate of Acceptance documents’ will be in breach of complying with their ‘Sponsor Licence Requirements’. Should you fail to provide the ‘Certified Financial Evidence’ we will be unable to issue your documents to apply for your visa.

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